Monday, April 30, 2012

3 Weeks and Counting

Today marks 3 weeks since I was in Arizona last.

I assume that since I have not heard back from my background investigator that things are going well. It's not like I have any skeletons in my closet. I don't really even have a background.

I really hope that I hear back from them this week. I may or may not be checking my e-mail every 5-10 minutes. I'm trying to be patient.

I didn't get Newport. I'm #16 on the eligibility list. Not too shabby. But Earl and I have come to accept that we will be moving this year, it's just a matter of when. And Earl is slowly coming around to accepting the heat aspect of Arizona.

Still no e-mail.

They said that I could hear back as early as 3 weeks. Or as long as 6-8. Heaven help me if I have to wait that long. I guess since I've been in the hiring process since last October, another month or two won't kill me. But I hope I'm not forced to wait that long.

On a side note, this Saturday is the Balboa Island Garage Sale. We're going to try to get rid of a lot of stuff. There will be clothes, shoes, books, and furniture. Earl and I will be sorting through things this afternoon after he gets home from class. We're really trying to sell my bedroom furniture so that we don't have to cart it to Arizona later on. It's really pretty, but really heavy!

Earl wants me to sell my snowboard. Heck no! I sold my SCUBA gear, I'm not getting rid of my snowboard. Or boots. Maybe I'll sell gloves, beanies, and pants...won't really need them in AZ. We'll see.

So that's my Monday morning for you. How's your's shaping out to be?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Topic I'd Rather Not Discuss

I shudder at writing this. It's kinda gross. But I need your help. And it just might prove how shallow I am.

All you lovely ladies out there, how do you keep from getting acne?

I'm 28 years old and I still have the acne of a teenager. It's embarrassing to go to job interviews with pimples on my cheeks, my chin, my forehead. I've tried different cleansers, washes, scrubs, you name it. I've tried Neutrogena, Clean & Clean, St. Yves, Pro-Active. I use makeup remover at night so I don't sleep with makeup on my face. Once upon a time I even tried Clinique to no avail.

I know that part of the issue is genetics. I know that my siblings have all had issues with this. And it's not like I have massive breakouts. Just enough to make me self-conscious.

So what tricks and tips would you recommend? Any particular product that you swear by?

Monday, April 23, 2012

What Would You Do for a Nap?

There's not a whole lot I would do for a Klondike Bar, but right now? I'd do just about anything for a nap.

It's been kind of an exciting day at work. Exciting for southern Orange County actually. We had a small earthquake this morning. A 3.9 in San Juan Capistrano. Not too far away from where I work. I was in the bathroom washing my hands when I heard it, more than felt it. I was pretty sure that we were about to get busy so I went back to my desk and boy was I right!

We were buys for at least 2 1/2 straight hours. It was gnarly. We were down to 2 point cover at one time. That means we had only 2 available units for the 11 cities we provide 911 coverage for.

I'm not sure why people freak out so much when there's an earthquake. Maybe if it was significant, but a 3.9? C'mon people!

Any who...since it was so busy, we had to postpone our lunch. Didn't get to eat til about 2-230. We had Wahoo's. And I devoured it all. And I was still hungry.

About an hour after that I was falling asleep at my desk. I wanted nothing more than to lay down and take a nap. Instead I had a crew go to McDonald's and get me an Oreo McFlurry. I just finished it. It was so good. Definitely hit the spot! But now that the ice cream is gone and I have just under an hour left of work, I'm exhausted again. We're busy again too.

Earl and I had discussed going to the grocery store after he picks me up tonight. I don't think I have the energy to do that now. All I want is to go home and snuggle up to my goober under the covers and fall asleep.  I am yawning so much right now. Am I making you sleepy? I was kind of hoping that by writing this, I would wake up a little.

It's not working.

So maybe I'll go play some Angry Birds for the next 45 minutes. I'm sure I'll be in bed by 830-9 tonight.

And I am so looking forward to it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Let it Begin

Well, I just barely had my background interview and polygraph last Monday. And I got a call today from one of my references that he had gotten a phone call from my background investigator. 

It's started.

I'm a little nervous/happy/excited/scared all rolled into one that this is actually happening. But I am at peace with it. I'm not freaked out, having panic attacks over the thought of moving. I still may, but for now I'm good. 

Oh, I went in to work today only to turn around and come home again. I got confused on the days and I wasn't really working today. So Earl and I came home (he was going to drop me off so he could have the car for school) and he promptly went back to bed. Of course I was wide awake and the chances of me going back to sleep were slim to none. So I plunked myself down on the futon, wrapped in my robe, with the heater going, and started reading a book. It's a book that I'd read before. Not too exciting, but a good yarn. And I haven't done much since then. And now that it's 1834, I am on page 391 of 486. I just might finish it before bed! It might even be a new record for me. 

Did I mention that I even took time out to take an elderly lady from our ward to a doctor's appointment today and I fixed a steak dinner for me and Earl? Yeah, I'm that good.

Just don't look at the clean laundry piled on the bed and in baskets, waiting to be folded.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Movies I Should Not Watch While at Work

At my job, outside of business hours, we are allowed to have the TV on. We can play video games too. And on the weekends, I typically have control of the remote for the TV since my partner(s) usually play Battlefield.

Sometimes I watch action movies. Sometimes comedies. And sometimes I watch chick flicks.

Not always the smartest move. Especially if it's a movie I've never seen before.

Like today. I watched the movie "Juno" on TBS. Not really the saddest movie ever. But the ending totally made me tear up.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to talk on the phone to complete strangers when you're crying? Or on the radio to guys who know you?

Not that easy.

So I'll add Juno to the list that currently includes Armageddon, Deep Impact, and Marley and Me just to name a few.

Now that I've put it out there, I'm going to go finish "The Proposal."

Friday, April 13, 2012

Oh Buddy!

Watch out world! I learned how to change the template of my blog!! It looks all cute and snazzy now! Not really my favorite design, but more my style than anything else out there. Plus I don't really know what my style is. A little problematic if you think about it...

Basically I'm just trying to personalize it. Make it me. But again, what is "me"?

Side note: we've had a significant storm roll through town today. We had hail!! It was itty-bitty, teeny-tiny, but it was hail!! I love severe weather. I know, I'm weird. Especially because I see the tornado warnings go out for the midwest, and I just want to be out there!

Is there a blog template out there of tornadoes?

I made a profile today. I'm not really sure what prompted me to do it. But I did it. It's under review right now, basically to make sure that I didn't put incorrect doctrine out there. And when they asked for a profile pic, I chose a picture of me from years ago when I was at an Angels game with my friends. It's a cool picture. Looking at most of my pictures, it's usually me and Earl. And they requested that you use a singular picture. So I had to cheat and go back a few years!

I'm jumping around a lot on this post. I just checked the radar for our area and it looks like the rain is just about over. Will probably have clear skies when I drive home in three hours. Boo.

So what do you think about the new look? Good? Bad? Ugly? I'm not really sure how to change it and advice are appreciated!!

And that's all she wrote folks!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Home Again, Home Again!

Earl and I got home yesterday from Arizona. It was good to be home! I have no travel plans for the foreseeable future!

And thank goodness!

Traveling can be fun. Although I'm not big on the whole packing/unpacking thing.

While we were in Arizona this time around, we only looked at 2 apartments. I am so torn with all of the units we have looked at. The first one we saw this time had newer appliances, counter tops, and it had a big garden tub in the bathroom. This one was also gated (not that it was in a horrible area, just nice that it has controlled access). The second unit we looked at had a nice layout, good amenities like it's on a lake! and they have kayaks and paddle boats available to take out, and the size wasn't too bad. The appliances were older, looked like maybe they were from the early 80's. This isn't necessarily a bad thing-as long as they work, who cares? But I really feel that I was spoiled by seeing the unit at Sonoma Landing. That one really had everything I wanted in a unit.

It rained last night, pretty good too. And the wind was blowing. And Sage kept moving in and out of the blankets by me. So I didn't sleep that well. But it's comforting that my little cat likes to sleep by me. Sometimes a little annoying, but overall, I love that she likes to sleep with me.

So now I'm back to the grind. I'm at work today and we had the CEO of AMR (our new owners) come through for a tour. It's kind of funny seeing everyone freak out when a big wig comes through. In theory, we shouldn't be doing anything differently, but we all know that isn't how it works!

This has been a very disjointed post. But that's how my brain is working today!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Week of Whirlwinds

Okay, so I've been pretty busy this last week. I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy, and not too sure what state I'm in. Literally.

Last week I was blessed to go to Idaho for my grandfather's funeral. There were over 100 family members in attendance. I'm not even sure what the final tally was, but I'll say that the family filled over 9 center and side rows in the chapel.

I was so afraid that when we went to the viewing on Tuesday night that everyone would be crying and that it would be a somber evening. Thankfully it was more like a family reunion with all the kids running around and brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandkids, etc telling stories. I believe my dad even met up with some guys he had gone to high school with.

I had a hard time talking to Grandma Bell. Any time that I started to go up to her and hug her, I started crying. Not that there's anything wrong with crying. That whole evening and into Wednesday during the funeral, I never saw Grandma cry. I'm guessing she cried the week before, but Grandpa's passing was a relief, a weight lifted from her shoulders. She was happy. Not worried about her dear husband. They'd been together for more than 60 years. But I love my grandma. I hope that somehow I was able to convey that to her.

I stood next to Mom and Dad at the graveside service. Dad gave the dedicatory prayer. Grandpa received full military honors as he had been a B-17 Tailgunner in WWII. As the shots rang out from the gun salute, to the folding of the flag, I held on to my dad's arm. It was such a relief knowing that I could cry and let out my emotions. I didn't have to be strong. I didn't have to hold in those feelings.

So Ryan, Amanda, and I flew in to Salt Lake City on Tuesday morning, picked up Tyler from the U, and drove to Burley. Wednesday morning was the funeral. Amanda, Tyler, and I drove back to SLC Wednesday night to drop Tyler off at his dorm and spent the night at Dad's cousin's house in West Jordan. Flew home Thursday morning. Had choir practice Thursday night. Worked at the barn Friday morning. Worked Saturday. Sunday was Easter, sang in the Ward Choir during church. Then immediately following Sacrament Meeting, Earl and I hopped in the car and drove to Arizona!

Now here it is, Monday night. So far today I have had a background interview with my background investigator, looked at an apartment, took a polygraph test, looked at another apartment, went to dinner with Adam and Cathie at this really good BBQ joint called Joe's, spent some time with A & C's best friends, and then drove over to C's parents' house for a visit as well.

I'm tired!!

Oh, and we are driving home tomorrow morning.

Did I leave anything out?

Wow. So now you know what I've been up to for the last week. I have way too much going on in my life right now. But if I didn't have all this to do, I would be sitting at home, doing nothing. So instead I am filling my life with (hopefully) worthwhile pursuits.

I'm not totally sold on either of the 2 apartments we looked at today. I think I was spoiled last visit when we looked at my "dream apartment" that I am still drooling over.

And now it's time for me to take nighttime meds to help me sleep. I'm totally sad that I don't have another dose of nighttime Tylenol cold and sinus to take. It's really the best when you're congested, have the start to a wicked headache, and need to sleep. I take it, fall asleep easily (not in a drugged stupor) and wake easily (also not in a drugged stupor). I'm not groggy or drowsy at all, like when I take a sleeping pill. I love it. And I'm all out. And I can't find it anywhere thanks to the shortage.

Since I just rambled on just now about medicine, I think that's my cue to go to bed.