Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's the last day of the year. So I'm feeling a little nostalgic I guess.

So here's my year in review, in no particular order. And I'm sure I'll forget something.

While volunteering at the barn, I was given the opportunity to become the office manager and earn some extra, much-needed money. I love this job, the people, the horses, everything about it!

I became a member of the Orange County Mormon Choral Organization and was blessed with the opportunity to go to Salt Lake City and record "Messiah in America" with the East Valley Mormon Choral Organization. We also sang in the historic Tabernacle. What an amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity. Listening to the CD, I am moved to tears at different parts of the oratorio at different times. I love the whole thing!

Back in June, on the day we got back from SLC, we had an addition to our family. We got a kitten named Sage. She is such a cute little cuddly terror. She is a great comfort to both Earl and me. She gets into all sorts of trouble, jumping up on surfaces where she shouldn't be, but we love her anyway!

I started the hiring process for the Gilbert, AZ Police Department Dispatch. I have taken and passed the first test, took the second test and am now waiting to hear back on whether or not I get to move on in the process. I should hear back sometime next week, hopefully.

I spent Christmas this year battling food poisoning/stomach flu. Worked the day shift on Christmas Eve and then headed over to my folks after work. Started throwing up about 10pm and didn't stop until 4:30am. Stayed home from church on Sunday and just hung around home. Called off work for Monday (a first for my employment at Doctor's) and was finally feeling human by Tuesday night.

And now here I sit at work on New Year's Eve. It's been a good year. Difficult at times. Painful at others. But the hope and promise of 2012 keeps me going. I hope that you have a Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Messiah In America

I'm feeling guilty this morning. I didn't get out of bed until 10.

It was glorious.

Last night Earl and I met up with my folks at the CD Release Celebration for OCMCO & EVMCO's joint effort last June, "Messiah in America." We recorded a 34 movement oratorio based on Christ's visit to the Americas as recorded in 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon. I'm not a scriptorian by any means. But this oratorio was amazing. Such a testimony builder. But what was so powerful and wonderful was the joining of two choirs to produce such a massive sound. It was out of this world amazing. I started listening to the CD as soon as we got in the car to drive home. Listening to the sound that approximately 400 adults produced, it's no wonder I lost my voice last spring after our concert!

I wanted to share this with whoever reads my blog because I believe in the message of the music. It can be a great way to share the gospel with people. One of the best ways to invite the spirit is through music. And when we were recording movement #33, right as we got to the climax of the song, I got chills, goosebumps, and started to cry. After we stopped, I looked at the women all around me and they had felt the same thing. The line that got us all was, "They shall know their Redeemer." Talking about people who had never seen, never met, some had never heard of Christ, would know Him. Do we really know Him? Imagine being there, and seeing the Son of God. Would you know it was Him?

So that's my little blurb for today. If you want to purchase the CD, you may do so by going here.

And by linking up that website, I was again brought to tears by the song playing. Gosh I'm such an emotional sap!

This would totally make a great Christmas present, by the way. Just saying.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Not Quite Sure What to Title This One...

Wow, so my brain is a little fried right now. I'm not even sure why I'm writing a new post, other than for the sake of a new post!

I'm currently in Arizona. I'm here to take the 2nd test in the hiring process for the Gilbert, AZ police dispatch department. It's cool, I passed the first test and scored high enough to come back for the next step.

So as Earl and I were driving into town tonight, I got a call from some guy at PD saying that they are experiencing technical difficulties and that they need to reschedule my test. Really? Seriously? I'm not from around here, mister! I can't just reschedule at the drop of a hat!

So what did I do?

I rescheduled.

Same day, tomorrow, but 12 hours later. I was supposed to test at 0800, but now I'm scheduled at 2000. If the issues aren't resolved by then, the next available time slot is Friday at 1100. I can do that. It would mean getting into OC right at the peak of Friday night traffic, but what other option do I have?

So I'm excited that I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yay!

In other news, the CD that MCO (Mormon Choral Organization-OCMCO/EVMCO) recorded back in June is finally being released! It will be available on Tuesday, Dec. 13. Very exciting. You can go here to listen to clips from the CD. There were over 400 adults singing, 200 kids, and 100 piece orchestra. So amazing!

So I'm also having some weird shoulder issue that isn't really resolving itself. I woke up a week and a half ago with a sharp pain in my left shoulder and numbness and tingling down my arm with little to no strength.  The general sharp pain is gone, but if I don't take my anti-inflammatory, it really starts to ache pretty bad. So I'm on the anti-inflammatory as well as a muscle relaxer. I typically take the muscle relaxer at night to help me sleep. I haven't even taken it yet tonight and I'm already loopy! That's why I'm not altogether sure why I was writing a new post...

Good night!