Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh Work...

So while nothing overly exciting happened at work today, I thought I might share some "interesting" calls that come in. 

  • Middle-aged female drunk on mouthwash...
  • Two homeless, intoxicated males fighting over a wheelchair
  • Dad passed out b/c his son broke his leg and Dad couldn't stand the sight of the deformity
  • "Astronaut" said that the mothership was coming back for her and she needed to hide
  • Toothache...really? 911 for that? At 4am? Really?
I've had other calls that were exciting when they came in, but we got cancelled en route or on scene, so they were very anticlimatic. Like the mysterious package left on the doorstep of a fire station. Hour and a half later, we were cancelled.

But, I still go to work 3 days a week, and have to get wrong numbers, "I'd like to make a prayer request for so and so" (TBN), "What showtimes are available for the concert in November?" (Pechanga Casino), "What can you tell me about refinancing my home loan?" (I have no idea, happened a couple of times in one shift and then not again...)

I love my job, really I do. I just wanted to share some of its wackiness with you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


In the past, I have not been a fan of my birthday. It always seemed that something bad happened on it. Well, this is my first birthday being married, and it's been absolutely wonderful! I woke up to find that many of my friends on Facebook had already posted warm birthday wishes on my page. To know that I have friends who care about me is a wonderful thing. Friends are amazing gifts from God and I want them all to know how happy I am to have them each in my life. Even though this blog is brand-spaking new and I doubt that anyone reads it, I still want to express my gratitude for the blessings in my life. So thank you to everyone!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Littls Bits of Random

Today has been my first Saturday off in I don't know how long. Not that I mind working Saturdays. Usually they are more mellow than the weekdays. But it's a little hard to be social with friends or family when they ALWAYS have Saturday off.

So today I am hanging with my in-laws. We all went to the Newport Beach Temple this morning and I had one of the most wonderful times. Then we went to breakfast at Coco's (mind you, it was noon). After that Earl had to head off to Rancho Santa Margarita to work with his DJ buddy for RSMHS homecoming dance. It's interesting that I can be away from Earl at work and be okay, but for some reason today is different. I miss him!! I guess I really am still a newlywed and want to spend every minute of every day with him.

So here I am, sitting on the floor, typing away on the laptop while Adam and Pops and Cathie watch O'Reilly Factor, missing my sweet husband. Gosh, makes you sick, doesn't it? Am I being too sappy? Could be...

I'm bummed too, because the ALCS Game 6 has been postponed til tomorrow due to rain. I was all set to cheer on my Angels to send the series to Game 7, but now THAT's not going to happen! Maybe I will be able to talk some people into going to a rodeo tonight...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My First Blog!!

Alright, I'm way new to this, so please bear with me. I'm hoping that this will be like a journal for me. I was always HORRIBLE about keeping a journal when I was younger. Maybe technology will be good for me and enable me to chronicle my life a little better.

For those who I haven't had a serious conversation with in years, this is for you. About 4 or 5 years ago I went to OCC and took an EMT class. I absolutely fell in love with it and decided to pursue it. I went to work as an EMT for Doctor's Ambulance Service back in April 2007. I was there for 6 months when I accepted a transfer to Utah with my other job, Sport Chalet. Well, I moved 700 miles away from everything familiar to me and started over, all on my own.

Now to go back and parallel this story, I was living in Long Beach, CA and met a great guy named Earl. We started dating and didn't decide to be exclusive until 2 weeks before I moved to Utah. Great timing, right? Well, Earl proved his worth to me when he drove me and my U-Haul to Utah. He helped me find an apartment close to work and was the rock I needed in my life at that time. Earl came back to visit a month later, found work, and moved up himself. We continued to date and a few months later in March, Earl proposed to me at Temple Square in Salt Lake City.

Earl and I came home in September of 2008, I continued to work at Sport Chalet, and returned to Doctor's as soon as I could. Earl and I were married February 27, 2009 at Little Corona Beach. It's been the best 7 1/2 months of my life thus far! We plan on being sealed in the Newport Beach Temple in early March of next year.

Not too shabby for my first post, right? There will be more catching up soon!