Saturday, March 3, 2012

Possibly Questionable Topic: Do You Feel Sexy?


"Oh my gosh, did she use the word 'sexy' in her title?"

Why yes, yes I did. And it is more or less the focus of my thoughts right now.

I know that to feel sexy, one must have confidence. And not give a darn what society says/thinks/feels. We know that our bodies are sacred and that we are here to be daughters, mothers, sisters, etc. We believe in modesty and respecting our bodies. I get that.

I want to look good too. There are times when I want to look good for my husband. I'm talking about going out on a date and wearing something other than jeans and a sweatshirt. And dare I say it? In the bedroom, too!

I suppose it comes down to what is considered sexy. Modesty is beautiful. I have a hard time finding attractive, modest clothes that fit. It seems as though when I find a cute dress that is long enough to be modest, the same dress is typically sleeveless or strapless. I know there is nothing that says I can't add a sweater or some sort of cover-up, but I hate that I have to add to an existing garment.

I digress. I guess my ADD is kicking in again.

What do you other modest Mormon Mommies (or non-mommy, as in my case) do to feel sexy? A certain lotion or perfume? That perfect shirt you found years ago? What about swimsuits? Do you guys opt for lingerie at all? That's my big issue. I love the illusion of it, but unless you have a supermodel's body, it just doesn't fit right and I feel silly.

So spill! Please! Do you feel sexy? What do you do to boost your confidence?


Melaine said...

Haha, I always feel silly in lingerie too, Megan. Adam and I both just end up laughing over it. So, I quit wearing that stuff for the most part long ago. What I really like are just silk pajamas or night gowns. My favorite one is actually really long, but sleeveless and lacey. I don't feel selfconscious in it, but still feel girly.

Modest, cute clothes are definitely harder for us tall girls to find. Dresses are so tough. I usually end up opting for a simple, often higher waisted skirt and tucked in dressy shirts to feel feminine. With the sleeveless dresses, for some reason cardigans just never seem to fit right for me, so I opt for a tight fitting white, thin, short or long sleeve shirt with a scoop neck underneath instead of putting something over. Seems to work pretty well. Then I don't have to worry about a cardigan falling open and showing my undergarments, ya know?

Like you said though, feeling beautiful is so much about confidence and how you feel about yourself--and in a lot of ways, just a mind game. One day I can feel like I look nice because I tell myself that I do, and another day when I'm feeling down and start thinking negative thoughts about myself, then I feel ugly! Um, yeah, my body didn't change! Just my thoughts! So think good things about yourself! :)

Megan Jones said...

Melaine, thank you for your comment!! I guess the whole lingerie thing comes down to garments as well. I see these super cute/sexy bras and underwear and I would love to wear it. But there's not really a point when you wear over your garments. Kinda nullifies the "sexiness" if you know what I mean.

Cath said...

Aw, I love lingerie. You just have to find a style that flatters your body type and you feel good in. I don't feel silly at all changing into something for extra curricular activities.

Megan Jones said...

"Extra curricular activities." Love it. Plain and simple!!

heather said...

I'm going to have to ditto Cathie. :) 100%