Monday, March 12, 2012

Hiccups and Groceries

So I have noticed a slight hiccup in my blog and I am curious is anyone else is having the same issue. I have on the left side of my page, a list of blogs that I follow. On occasion, the list will indicate a new blog post from one of my blog-friends. So I click on the link, but there is not a new post. Other times I will see via Facebook that my friends have a new post, but my blog list isn't updated.

Is anyone else having issues like this with their blog? I'm not sure if this is something that I can address. Perhaps I will just have to deal with it.


So Earl and I haven't been grocery shopping in forever. I believe we will be going tonight after he picks me up from work. I'm a little scared. We try to stick to things that are on sale. But there are things we have gone without and need to get now. I'm a little worried about the final total of our grocery bill. That and I just don't like grocery shopping. Ugh. Wish me luck!

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