Monday, January 9, 2012

Resolutions? Naw...

Do you like to make New Year's Resolutions? You do? I'm sorry, we can no longer be friends.

Just kidding.

Kind of.

I think I used to like to make them. The whole self-improvement thing, you know? I always say that I want to get in shape. That seems to be popular with the mass population. And 24 Hour Fitness.

Last year, I think, I said I was going to write something every day. That wasn't so much of a resolution though, because it wasn't in January when I said it. So for me to say that I want to blog more often, I suppose it is a resolution of sorts. And if I keep it vague, by say, not attaching a number to it, I'm okay. Right? Like I won't say that I will write a post every day. Or every other day. Or even once a week. Well, once a week might be doable. But I'm not going to commit to it.

Does that mean I have commitment issues?

I have a hard time posting often because I don't feel that I have anything worthwhile to share. I very rarely have pictures to post because I don't do anything! I'm kind of a homebody. I go to work, I go home. I shower and get in bed and watch an episode or two of "Burn Notice" on NetFlix. Earl and I don't go out and do stuff. We try to have a date night once a week. Usually that consists of dinner. Maybe a movie. And we don't have kids. So I don't have fun/crazy/silly/destructive stories to tell.

I have a cat.

I refuse to be the crazy cat lady. So I don't post pictures of her in cute little outfits.

Mainly because she would claw me to death if I tried to put on on her.

But she is cute. She is 9 months old now. She still curls up super tiny and cute.

I'm not the crazy cat lady.

So maybe I can do a post a week. Maybe. I might be able to scrounge up enough to jabber about for a post. If not, just remember that I didn't commit to a specific number of posts so if I don't post, I cannot be held accountable. Okay?


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