Monday, November 3, 2014

Ready or Not, Here She Comes! (Part 2)

Let's see, where did I leave off? Oh yes, I was being admitted! Poor Earl, all of the blood drained from his face. My nurse came to start my IV and she asked him if he needed a wheelchair! He seriously looked like he was about to pass out. Thank goodness he didn't, although that would have made for a funny story!

So we got to my room and the CRNA came in to start my epidural. Oh thank goodness for that man! He had a little difficulty getting the catheter in the right spot, but once he did, I was doing good! At the time, I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. It was about 430 am when I got the epidural. I was exhausted. But I couldn't sleep. I remember trying to watch a movie or two. The nursing staff was awesome, so kind and funny and just all around great. They had to turn down the dosage of my epidural at one point because I couldn't feel anything below my waist. Couldn't wiggle my toes or anything. I felt bad for my nurse each time she came to turn me from one side to the other because my legs couldn't have been light and I was no help at all. But she was awesome!

Shame on me for not writing this sooner...the memories are starting to fade.

I think the doctor came in and ruptured my membranes about 11 or so. That was an odd sensation.

But I think they started pitocin before that. Maybe 7-8? I don't know because I couldn't tell a difference with or without it!

Finally it came time to start pushing. Pushed for about an hour and then took a break. During that break, the baby decided it would be a good idea to go posterior. Oh. My. GOSH! That was the only time I felt any pain. Like a white hot poker stuck straight into my left hip. Only time I cried from pain. So I got to spend some time on my hands and knees. That was so much fun....yeah, fun...

After about another hour or so of pushing, Miss Katelynn Claire Jones was born:

Born August 3, 2014
7 pounds 2 ounces
20.75 inches

She was so tiny! Katelynn arrived 10 days before her due date and so we were not expecting such a small bundle of cute! Thank goodness for my sister-in-law who provided us with newborn sized clothes and a pack of newborn diapers!

The whole experience was surreal. It still is a bit. 

I can't believe they let us take her home. She was seriously a little doll. So perfect and tiny.

She was so tiny in her bed. 

Now, at 3 months, she is all grown up and smiling and starting to laugh.

My heart just melts when I see her. 

Welcome to our family Katelynn!


Momza said...

Oh my, Megan! She is perfect! Congratulations and the very best wishes for you and your family!

heather said...

Oh wow! Congratulations on the beautiful baby!