Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Scared to Death and Saddling up Anyway

My life is about to change in a big way. Tomorrow afternoon we pick up our moving truck and with the help from friends at church, we will load up everything we own tomorrow night. Early Friday morning Earl will drive the truck as I drive our car to the desert.

We are moving.

It seems so final. Yet I know that we will be back to visit. It's not like we're gone forever. Or going to another continent.

Yesterday a wonderful friend gave me a going-away present. It is a handmade silver bracelet that says, "Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." It captured my emotions and I am so grateful to this woman.

I am scared to move. We are removing ourselves from our comfort zone. We are leaving the nest of our families. We are leaving behind our friends. But we are going anyway.

There is hope through all the sadness that moving brings. I have hope that we will save money in our new apartment. I have hope that Earl will find gainful employment. I have hope that he will be able to finish school. I have hope that one day we will be blessed with children. I have hope that we will begin to live, not just survive.

Our clothes are packed. Our shoes are packed. Half of the furniture is already in the garage waiting to be loaded. Today we are tackling the kitchen and food. Tomorrow, everything must be packed for it will be loaded regardless.

We start a new chapter in life this week. I'm scared to death, but I'm doing it anyway.

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