Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Onward and Upward!!

I am officially in the background process with Gilbert. I'm totally excited! And nervous!

I have to find my birth certificate, high school diploma, marriage license, as well as complete the background packet. The good thing is I only have to list places I have lived for the past 5 years, not 10! Even though I have the addresses for the past 10 years. Really I can go back to when we lived in Texas.

So it looks like I have a bit of digging to do tonight when I get home from work. And tomorrow morning.

Crap! Where is my diploma? Where's my birth certificate? I know everything got put away in boxes when I moved. Oh heaven help me!

I know I can get a copy of my birth certificate. And marriage license. But my diploma? Dang. Sure hope I can find it!


Samantha R said...

They are upgrading Nathan's security clearance at work to Top Secret so he has to go through a very extensive background check soon so you two are in the same boat :) Congrats on moving forward with it all!!!

Megan Jones said...

That's awesome for Nate! Congrats to him! How are you guys doing? Miss you tons! If we have the time (and money), if we don't move to AZ sooner rather than later, I'm thinking of maybe making a trip to Utah right around June. I'll keep you posted :)