Friday, February 17, 2012


Just got my hair trimmed. Only cut about an inch off. Just wanted to get it healthy looking again.

And it feels great!

Just don't tell my husband how much I spent....

Is $70 too much? Well, actually it was $60 and I gave her $10 for a tip.

But I only get my hair cut/trimmed like once a year, if not longer. So it's okay, right? Besides, I have to make sure I look my best for my interview. Even though I will be wearing pantyhose, I'm still going to get a pedicure. Not worried so much about the manicure, I can do my nails pretty well.

What was the point of this post?

Oh yeah. There wasn't one!

1 comment:

Samantha R said...

I need to get my hair cut too..I love the feeling right after!