Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well, I can't say that I've been sitting around the house lately. Work has been busy. My company, Doctor's Ambulance Service, was recently acquired by American Medical Response. So while right now this doesn't mean much to me, everyone else in the office has been running around lately. CHP inspections are tomorrow and we've had to prep every unit in our fleet. Not an easy feat while you are still providing coverage to 11 cities. So work has been work.

I am still volunteering with the horses and kids. SO MUCH FUN!! A lot of hard work, but so worth it. I've been able to get some riding lessons too which is a nice perk. But I realized that with the exercise I get there, my resting heart rate has gone down! Holy crap it scared me when I took my pulse yesterday! I thought for sure something was wrong with me! Nope, my resting rate now is right about 60bpm. Go me!

And the most exciting news of all...

I was accepted into OCMCO! That is the Orange County Mormon Choral Organization. There are 220 adults in the choir, a full orchestra, and several youth/children choirs. All in all, there are about 500 people involved! Holy cow! I'm super excited to be in it, and although it's a lot of hard work, it is so worth it! I love being in a choir again and singing good music with other good people. I still sing in the car and let out my inner diva (who knew I had one of those??) when I'm driving to and from work.

And going along with that, as an organization, we will be going to Salt Lake City in the beginning of June to record in a giant studio and to also perform at the Tabernacle!! So excited for that!! So anyone in the Salt Lake Valley, you should come! I will give dates later when I know more.

I think that's about all I have to say tonight. Love you all!


AdamAndMelaine said...

Megan-how exciting about the choir! Definitely let me know when you guys are in town! How awesome!

Samantha R said...

so excited for you to come to utah!

Mary said...

The Tabernacle! How cool is that!!! Have fun! Glad you put your blog on FB. Now it will be easier to keep up with what is going on in your life. If you want to see my blog it is quilter-reader.blogspot.com

Megan Jones said...

The dates that we are required to be there are May 31-June 4. I don't think I can afford to take off more work than is required, but I hope to see as many friends and familiar faces as I can!