Ugh. I'm sorry. I have to vent.
This won't be pretty. You don't even have to read. I just have to get this off my chest.
Let me preface this by saying that I like my job. I like what I do. But the
people person who is my direct supervisor makes me hate/dread coming to work.
I know I should change my attitude towards this person. I know I shouldn't let them get to me.
But I don't/do.
This person asked me to recall a late call from a week ago and write an incident report about it. I don't remember it very well. What I do remember is assigning the unit, telling the crew to take the toll road vs side streets as the call was a long distance. After that I don't remember a darn thing. How am I supposed to write an incident report about something I don't remember?
And why the heck did this person wait until 545pm to bring up the topic when I'd been sitting here since 7am? That's probably the most frustrating. And to bring it up when my partner was out of the room so there were no "witnesses" to the conversation. If I didn't know better, I'd say that my sup was either really stupid or really smart to plan it out this way.
Whatever. This is my motivation to get a new job. I know I said in my interview that I'm looking for a career and to set down roots and that the cost of living is so much less in Arizona and that Earl and I have potential to grow out there. But really, at the heart of it all, I can't stand my boss. I can't stand the way they DON'T manage the dispatchers. The fact that they would rather play video games on their laptop before noon instead of working, or the fact that no respect is given to us dispatchers, or they constantly say how much they hate dispatchers and crew members and his wife and kid, and women, and everyone on the face of the earth. Why on earth would anyone want to work for a person like that?
I don't. I'm working on my out. And I'm in limbo. That's why I'm so anxious to hear back. If they say no, then I need to start working on other options. Like becoming an instructor at the barn. And pushing to get Earl hired there too.
That's all. That's my rant. If you made it this far, bless you. I'm sorry to go off like that. I just couldn't swallow anymore crap today.
I guess I need to remember the saying, "Keep Calm and Carry On." Cuz I'm definitely not calm when I'm at work.