I'm trying not to be mad. Really I am. I don't like the feeling of regret. But last night was the first time that I doubted whether or not I wanted a cat.
We've had sage since June. Almost 5 months. She's been fun. She's been super cute. She's also been a holy terror.
As Earl and I were laying in bed, trying to fall asleep, Sage of course wanted to play. She went from the bed to the nightstand to the top of the dresser down to the tv stand. None of these actions are allowed. Unfortunately she doesn't respond to the squirt bottle. So we have no real way of training her what not to do.
So we chased her down from the tv stand and laid back down. Next thing I know, she went from behind the bed and tried getting up to the nightstand and/or dresser and well, let's just say she missed. She managed to pull down the clock, my old cell phone which acts as my alarm clock, my current cell phone, and my grandmother's lamp. The light bulb shattered, the lamp broke, and all of a sudden there was glass all right where I needed to stand. And of course my slippers were next to the front door since that is where I took them off yesterday afternoon.
Earl was such a trooper. I went and got him the dustpan and little Dirt Devil vacuum so he could clean it up.
During this time I put Sage in "time-out." Where is a place that a cat will stay for time-out?
The bathtub.
She doesn't like it in there. Not one bit. She probably woke the neighbors, or at least really annoyed them with her howling. But she was safe, and couldn't get into anything.
So why did I almost start crying last night? Was it because of the broken lamp that once belonged to my grandmother? Was it because that was the only item I have that connected me to her? Or was it pms starting to rear its ugly head? Probably a combination of elements.
The only good thing last night was that after all the excitement, I was able to chat with my younger brother last night. He's away at University of Utah right now. It's his freshman year. I love him dearly and miss his sweet cheesy smile. He's coming home in 2 weeks for the weekend. I hope that I'm able to see him for a little bit.
Well, I need to get dressed and eat some breakfast before today's events. It's Earl's birthday, and my parents' 39th wedding anniversary. Plus I am working with the horses this morning, as well as doing my normal stuff like get gas in the car and do laundry. Oh and I need to go pick up some things for the Open House we are having at the barn on Sunday. I have way too many things to do today and not enough time to do them all!
I keep telling myself that I love my life. I do, really, but there is too much to do today!