Some of you may or may not know that I now volunteer every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. I go to the Back Bay Therapeutic Riding Club. It's a place that works with mentally and physically handicapped kids. So much fun! The kids are hilarious and their enthusiasm is infectious.
While I have fun grooming the horses and lead the horses during the lessons, it is so rewarding to me to think that I have a small hand in helping these kids get stronger.
So this past week, I was grooming like normal. The mare (female horse) I was working on was quite tempermental, which I'd like to say was a rare occurrence, but it's not. She only let me clean two of her feet. And as I was trying to go for another one, she moved suddenly and decided that m foot was the best place for her to step.
I didn't cry out, well, not aloud. Internally I was screaming bloody murder. But the main gal of the operation was in the middle of a lesson, and I had just started and couldn't very well say that I'd just gotten hurt. So what did I do?
Yup. I kept going.
I don't know why I must always force myself to push on when I'm injured. It's like I have to prove that I'm tough or something.
But continue I did. I even ran with the horses in the next couple of lessons. And when I went home, the three middle toes on my right foot were swollen and red. With a popped blister on one, and broken skin on all three at the cuticle.
Today, five days later, they still hurt and are even more colorful! But I'm still going back Wouldn't give up working with those kids and the horses for anything!
And this week we are going on a "field trip" to the fire station. Should be fun!