I have been told that I need to post more on here. I must admit, this is coming from my father-in-law who I see on a regular basis, so I feel flattered that someone enjoys reading my blog!
Not much has been going on lately. Just working a whole heap. I guess I could give a public service announcement though. This stems from a 911 call that we were sent to last night. It is important as a parent to make sure you feed your kids a balance diet. It is also important to keep an eye on your kids so they don't do anything stupid or dangerous. And if you choose to not watch your child to protect them from stupid or dangerous things, especially things that have to do with their diet, please do not announce it to the whole world by calling 911. Somebody did this last night because their child decided to pick up a cupcake from the street and eat it. I don't know the age of the child, but if that is what your child is resorting to do, perhaps a little intervention is needed. Perhaps a parental license should be issued when one seeks to have kids. I mean, come on! We all knew of the urban myths of razor blades in our Halloween candy growing up. Not a problem, let Mom double-check the loot and then you're good to go. That was good parenting. But letting your kid eat a CUPCAKE from the street? If you're dumb enough to let this happen, please, please, PLEASE don't announce it to your neighbors by having a fire engine come screaming down your street only to have 4 grown men laugh at your silliness. You'll feel better about yourself in the morning, I promise!
So as I sit here, eating my pudding cup, I am slowly waking from my graveyard shift last night. Not a spectacular night, just another one done. No, you don't need to reread that. I am eating an Oreo flavored pudding cup for breakfast. My second one in fact. Don't judge me! And don't look in my grocery bag at the 2 Hershey's Cookies n Cream bars that I have as well! Hey, they were 2/$1 at Stater Bros! That's a steal! I suppose that since it is now 1215, I need to get in the shower and get going with my day.
So the moral of the story is don't let your kids eat random food from the ground, and always think twice before calling 911. Ask yourself if it's really and emergency: Is there significant blood loss? Are they having chest pain? Are they breathing? If you're calling because you're 95 and haven't pooped in a week, try a laxative, much cheaper than an $800 ambulance ride to the ER.
Thanks kids and let's all enjoy another trip around the sun!